/** @license Copyright (c) 2022 trading_peter This program is available under Apache License Version 2.0 */ import '@tp/tp-scroll-threshold/tp-scroll-threshold.js'; import '@lit-labs/virtualizer'; import '@tp/tp-icon/tp-icon.js'; import '@tp/tp-checkbox/tp-checkbox.js'; import './tp-table-item.js'; import { DomQuery } from '@tp/helpers/dom-query.js'; import { closest } from '@tp/helpers/closest.js'; import ColumResizer from './column-resizer.js'; import { LitElement, html, css, svg } from 'lit'; export class TpTable extends DomQuery(LitElement) { static get styles() { return [ css` :host { display: block; padding: 20px; position: relative; } [hidden] { display: none; } .wrap { overflow-y: auto; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .list { position: relative; flex: 1; } #tableHeader { display: grid; overflow-x: hidden; } #virtualList, .empty-message { position: absolute !important; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; } #virtualList { height: auto; } .empty-message { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } a.sort-link, a.no-sort-link { text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; position: relative; border-right: solid 1px #c1c1c1; padding: 10px 20px 10px 20px; display: flex; flex-direction: row; overflow: hidden; cursor: pointer; user-select: none; } a.sort-link:hover, a.no-sort-link:hover { border-right: solid 1px #c1c1c1; } a.sort-link tp-icon { position: absolute; left: 0; --tp-icon-width: 18px; --tp-icon-height: 18px; } div.col-label { flex: 1; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; } .width-handle { position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 0; right: -2px; cursor: col-resize; width: 6px; height: 100%; } .width-handle > div { margin: auto; width: 2px; height: 100%; background: transparent; } #tableHeader:not(.col-dragging) a.sort-link .width-handle:hover > div { background: var(--pc-blue); } a.sort-link .width-handle.dragging { position: fixed; height: 300px; z-index: 100; border-style: none; width: 3px; background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(59, 164, 240, 1), rgba(59, 164, 240, 0)); } .select-col { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 100%; } .select-col tp-checkbox::part(label) { display: none; } lit-virtualizer { overflow-x: hidden; } lit-virtualizer::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 12px; } lit-virtualizer::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: var(--scrollbar-track); } lit-virtualizer::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: var(--scrollbar-thumb); outline: none; border-radius: var(--scrollbar-thumb-border-radius, 4px); } [item]:not(.odd) { background: var(--table-bg-1); } [item].odd { background: var(--table-bg-2); } [item]:hover { background: var(--table-row-hl); --list-columns-h-borders: var(--list-columns-h-borders-hover); } ` ]; } render() { const columns = this.columns || []; const items = this.items || []; return html`
${this.selectable ? html`
` : null} ${columns.map(column => this.renderColumnHeader(column))}
${this._emptyMessage} this.renderItem(item, idx, columns)}>
`; } renderColumnHeader(column) { if (column.visible !== true && column.required !== true) return null; const { name, width, label, sortable } = column; const sorting = this.sorting || {}; const isSortedBy = sorting.column === name; const sortDirection = isSortedBy ? sorting.direction : 'desc'; const canSort = sortable !== false; return html` canSort ? this._sort(column, sortDirection) : null} .type=${name} .width=${width}> ${canSort ? html` ` : null}
`; } renderColumnHeaderAddons(column) { return null; } static get downIcon() { return svg``; } static get upIcon() { return svg``; } renderItem(item, idx, columns) { return html` this._selectionChanged(e)}> `; } static get properties() { return { sorting: { type: Object }, selectable: { type: Boolean }, columns: { type: Array }, _selItems: { type: Array }, _visibleColumns: { type: Array }, items: { type: Array }, _advFilters: { type: Array }, _advFilterActive: { type: Boolean }, _advFilterFields: { type: Object }, _filter: { type: String }, _totalCount: { type: Number }, }; } constructor() { super(); this._selItems = []; } updated(changes) { if (changes.has('columns')) { this._updateColumns(); } } get _emptyMessage() { return null; } get sortingPath() { return `${this.dataKey}.sorting`; } get statusFilterPath() { return `${this.dataKey}.filtering.statusFilter`; } set filter(val) { this._advFilterActive = false; this._filter = this._clone(val); this.reloadPagedList(); } set statusFilter(val) { this._statusFilter = this._clone(val); this.reloadPagedList(); } set advancedFilter(val) { this._advFilterActive = val ? true : false; this._advFilters = this._clone(val); this.reloadPagedList(); } scrollToIndex(idx) { this.$.virtualList.scrollToIndex(idx); } firstUpdated() { this.shadowRoot.querySelector('tp-scroll-threshold').target = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('lit-virtualizer'); new ColumResizer(this.$.tableHeader, '.width-handle'); } _onScroll(e) { this.$.tableHeader.style.paddingRight = (this.$.virtualList.offsetWidth - this.$.virtualList.clientWidth) + 'px'; this.$.tableHeader.scrollLeft = this.$.virtualList.scrollLeft; } shouldUpdate(changes) { if (changes.has('items')) { this._updateSelEntries(); } return true; } _sort(column, direction) { if (this._draggedColumn) return; this.sorting = { column: column.name, direction: direction === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc' }; this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('sorting-changed', { detail: this.sorting, bubbles: true, composed: true })); } _updateColumns() { this.$.tableHeader.style.gridTemplateColumns = this._updateColumnWidths(this.selectable ? ['40px'] : []).join(' '); } _updateColumnWidths(prepend) { return [...(prepend || []), ...this.columns.filter(col => col.required || col.visible).map(col => col.width)]; } _colResizeTracked(e) { const handle = closest(e.target, '.width-handle'); const data = e.detail; if (data.state === 'start') { this._draggedColumn = true; const rect = handle.getBoundingClientRect(); document.body.style.userSelect = 'none'; handle.style.top = `${rect.top}px`; handle.style.left = `${rect.left}px`; handle.style.transform = `translateX(${data.dx}px)`; handle.classList.add('dragging'); this.$.tableHeader.classList.add('col-dragging'); } else if (data.state === 'end') { document.body.style.userSelect = ''; handle.classList.remove('dragging'); handle.style.transform = ''; handle.style.top = ''; handle.style.left = ''; this.$.tableHeader.classList.remove('col-dragging'); const colLink = closest(handle, 'a'); const { type, width } = colLink; const newWidth = (parseInt(width, 10) + data.dx) + 'px'; const colDef = this.columns.find(col => col.name === type); colDef.width = newWidth; this.columns = [...this.columns]; setTimeout(() => { this._draggedColumn = false; this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('column-width-changed', { detail: this.columns, bubbles: true, composed: true })); }); } else if (data.state === 'track') { handle.style.transform = `translateX(${data.dx}px)`; } } clearTriggers() { if (this.$.threshold) { this.$.threshold.clearTriggers(); } } _listOverflows() { return this.$.virtualList.scrollHeight > this.$.virtualList.offsetHeight; } _checkedChanged(e) { if (Array.isArray(this.items) === false) return; if (e.detail) { this._selectAll(); } else { this._selectNone(); } this.items = [...this.items]; } _selectAll() { this.items = this.items.map((entry) => { entry.__selected__ = true; return entry; }); this.requestUpdate('items'); this._selectionChanged(); } _selectNone() { this.items = this.items.map((entry) => { entry.__selected__ = false; return entry; }); this._selectionChanged(); } _selectionChanged(e) { if (this.__restoringSelection) return; if (e !== undefined) { const item = this.items.find(item => item._id === e.detail.item._id); item.__selected__ = e.detail.selected; } this._selItems = this.items.filter(entry => entry.__selected__ === true); this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('item-selection-changed', { detail: this._selItems, bubbles: true, composed: true })); } _updateSelEntries() { this._hiddenSelection = 0; if (!this.items) { this._selItems = []; } else { this._selItems.forEach(sel => { const idx = this.items.findIndex(entry => entry._id === sel._id); if (idx > -1) { // Suppress rebuild of the selected invoices list. // When we restore the selection on a filtered list of invoices we would loose the selection of hidden onces // when _selectionChanged is triggered. So we set a flag that the observer is skipped. this.__restoringSelection = true; this.items[idx].__selected__ = true; this.__restoringSelection = false; } else { this._hiddenSelection++; } }); } } } window.customElements.define('tp-table', TpTable);